• Editorial Holistic medicine. New map, old territory Patrick C Pietroni Co-creating healthy communities in the polycrisis Peter J Whitehouse and David Peters 21st century health and care needs - Changing patterns of disease and understandings of health to inform the shape of health and care in the 21st century Margaret Hannah Our journey of hope towards wellbeing for our patients ourselves and our planet Helen Kingston and Tim Rigg Why carers can catalyse community-oriented integrated practice Paul Thomas Jettisoned communities: The broken heart of NHS healthcare - The human and economic cost of our industrialised reforms David Zigmond Whole person medicine: a community of doctors discovering a new way to practice Peter Reason Recovery communities: shifting the culture of addictions medicine Hugo Jobst ‘The impact is palpable’ – how upturning healthcare is serving East Surrey Gillian Orrow Neolympics: changing the leadership game Trevor Thompson Research
  • Editorial Why we need a movement to develop community-oriented integrated practice Paul Thomas Update Policies to support compassionate communities Lord Nigel Crisp What is community-orientated integrated practice? Paul Thomas, Laura Calamos, David Colin-Thomé & Kurt C Stange How might we cultivate flourishing spaces? Louise Younie The cracks Sarah Mandourah Growing younger Freya Qureshi Teaching health equity for medical students – exploring student and GP tutors’ perspectives Rohini Sabherwal & Dev Gadhvi Restoring humanism into the medical curriculum: a success story at a Spanish university Jonathan McFarland, Manuel Pera & Joaquim Gea The Yoga4NHS staff wellbeing programme Paul Fox Is meditation the medicine that medics need? A meeting with a Dhamma Doctor, Durga Mani Hugo Jobst Deep listening – a perspective Sangasiha Introducing Su Ha – a practice for personal and collective wellbeing in an age of climate crisis Chris Johnstone Holistic evaluation Paul Thomas 21st century health and social care David Colin-Thomé From the frontline Jonathon Tomlinson Reviews
  • Editorial Research Under oath Sophia Geaney Trying my professional identity on for size Georgina Haffner I want to start living Sam Soete Guided by the light: navigating a professional crossroads Hugo Jobst The gift: a cancer journey and the wounded healer Louise Younie A letter to my 23-year-old self Kathleen Wenaden A practitioner’s journey Jane Myat Care and creativity – the power of mending Charlotte Jenner A journey to the heart of rheumatology Lucie Wilk My practitioner journey; weaving together psyche and iatros, soul and medicine Alan Kellas Narrative and identity: an experience of shared reading in a secure mental health unit Franz Schembri Wismayer The necessary and neglected work of the soul in healthcare Jane Stevens How can a holistic perspective benefit practitioners, patients and the planet? Sayed Adam Bukhari Arts and crafts in healthcare: What William Morris can teach us about the benefits of a holistic perspective for practitioners, patients and the planet Felicity Smith Alienation and the crisis of NHS staff morale Jonathon Tomlinson Reviews
  • Editorial Why do we need health creation now? Lord Nigel Crisp in conversation with Hugo Jobst Self-care revisited Rebecca Walker Lessons in stillness (from a canal-boat) Kathleen Wenaden Accepting imperfection Ellie Carter Transformative reflection: getting to the heart of your practice and how you see yourself Linda de Cossart Hands of hope: the importance of compassion Jonathan McFarland and Dojham How may we learn about compassion? A pilot study Maliha Banu Holism in education: the rainbow metaphor Ross Bryson You may have missed… The tricky transition: life after finals Bethan Harris and Isabel Sawyer Nature-based food cultures and farming for whole health Miche Fabre Lewin and Daphne Lambert Sunlit mirrors: reflections on teams and retreats Edwina Lawson Hope and health creation Jonathon Tomlinson
  • Editorial JHH/BHMA/CoM student survey
    Inspiring a radical approach to primary care Professor Sir Sam Everington and JHH editor in chief David Peters in conversation
    Leadership in the wilderness: a short course in tight conditions Trevor Thompson, Jeremy Le Fevre, Tara Hart, Saaketh Nerellakunta, Priya Basnet and Daksh Bhatnagar
    The bodymind matters Simon Lewis
    The lost update Exploring the missing curriculum with primary care professionals: 2019–2022 Andrew Morrice
    How to enhance medical lifestyle education Elizabeth Thompson, Muz Ali Khan and Milly Hooper
    Bullying, hierarchy and safe space Sabrina Gauchen
    Encountering homelessness Isobel Conibear
    Looking after our own wellbeing Rahul Ganguly
    Then and now: see it, say it, sorted – to tell, or not to tell David Zigmond
    What is co-creation and why is it so valuable to the future of medical education? Louise Younie
    Reflecting on reflective practice – innovations and traditions Michael Zervos
    ‘Balint’ groups for general practice trainees: good for doctors and good for patients Jonathan Gore
    A place for Buddhist wisdom in modern medical education and clinical training Sally Doust
    From the frontline Jonathon Tomlinson
    Letter Research you may have missed Review
  • Editorial Creating space and providing tools for personal development - Hugo Jobst, David Peters & Giskin Day
    Medical education should be helping us develop as whole people - Jonathan De Oliveira
    Finding our voice - Karla Maria Hamlet Effective learning can create time for a more complete medical education - Samuel Soete
    View from the frontline - Maryam Malik Student stress: what one university is doing to support student wellness - Bruce Cryer
    Scratching the surface of the hidden curriculum: the BMJ Student podcast Sharp Scratch - Anna Harvey Bluemel & Charlotte Rose
    Overprescribing: reimagining medical education with social prescribing champions - Hamaad Khan
    Medics in the community: developing the tools for effective social prescribing - Hugo Jobst & Andrea Williamson
    So much goes missing when we work online - Andrew Zhou
    The missing link: human interconnection in online learning - Anamika Pereira Pai
    Compassion – walking the walk, who does the talk? - Louise Younie
    Exploring the human dimension in medicine - Sivakami Sibi
    Challenges for learning about planetary health - Anna Moore & Rosa Caitlin Jones Hughes
    Re-conceiving professionalism in a time of crisis - Vidya Nanthakumar
    Yoga for medical student wellbeing - Ellie Grace
  • Editorial - Everything alive is embodied - David Peters The rise of health coaching in the care continuum – an American perspective - Bruce Cryer Embodiment – a new way of being - Philip Shepherd Where has the body gone? - Samantha Emanuel & Luke Davies Losing touch in the pandemic - Bella Eacott Integrated medicine: some historical reflections and three cases from primary care - David Peters Feldenkrais on prescription – mindful movements for pain relief, inner peace and optimism - Julia Wrigley Treating resistant psycho-physiological symptoms in somatic therapies through emotional embodiment - Raja Selvam Embodiment – the Alpha and the Omega of somatic psychotherapy - Michael Rupp Embodiment in the female pelvis after birth - Rebecca Davies Embodied breathing habits - Aligning breathing mechanics with respiratory chemistryPeter M Litchfield & Sandra Reamer Psychedelics and meditation, part 2: lessons from personal exploration - James Hawkins Research
  •  Editorial  Update  A new transatlantic collaboration – BHMA and the Integrative Health Institute - Bruce Cryer & David Peters  Integrative medicine – an introduction - David Peters  The living gap – bridged by life-compassion: first order principles for healing the crises of our planet, its peoples, and you - David Reilly  Social prescribing: holism in action  - Mike Dixon & David Peters  The Humanising Healthcare Forum: A response to the latent desire for more meaning in medicine  - Hugo Jobst  Multidisciplinary rehabilitation in complex pain – an anthroposophic approach - David McGavin  Is acupuncture just NICE enough? Why is acupuncture now recommended for chronic pain but not for back pain? - Mike Cummings  Psychedelics and meditation, part 1: research on potential synergy - James Hawkins  An open letter of love and care to health care professionals with resilience strategies for the Covid-19 war  - Thomas Skovholt & Michelle Trotter-Mathison  William House   Research
  • Editorial Sphurana – seeing with new eyes  - Peter Owen Jones A new cosmology of consciousness and science of love - Jude Currivan (re)Wilding healthcare - Jonathon Tomlinson Can healthcare professionals humanise dying? - Marina Malthouse Healing and love - Paul Dieppe, Sarah Goldingay, Natalie Harriman, Ayesha Nathoo & Sara Warber Emerging practices for bringing nature into health and care services - Alan Kellas Eco-psychotherapy: current, ancient and future?  - Roger Duncan Deep adaptation: ways to grow through dissolution - Alan Heeks Adverse childhood events: what next now we know? - Margaret Hannah & Jacqueline Nugent Healing through the collective intelligence of our profession - Sam Hazledine Searching the way home - Mac Macartney Humanity’s imperative: heart-based creative leadership  - Bruce Cryer Humanising medical education  - Louise Younie Debating the wisdom of long-haul electives in an era of climate emergency - Trevor Thompson & Philippa Clery How can holistic healthcare influence health inequalities? - Deeya Kotecha News and Research William House
  • Contents:

    Editorial What is holding us back from caring for ourselves? Sarah Kuipers and Sarah Eagger Emotions are contagious Jonathon Tomlinson Why play is the best form of self-care Darryl Edwards …and breathe! A key innate resource, hiding in plain sight Andrew Morrice Heaps of health Thuli Whitehouse Polyvagal theory and community singing Tina Sharman Sophrology – a self-care treasure waiting to be discovered by the wider world Philip Carr-Gomm Awakening your inner physician Ciara Jean Roberts Humble sleep Ashish Bhatia Fasting – a modern take on an ancient practice Antonia Wrigley Becoming a person: the Hera project at Brighton Health & Wellbeing Centre Emma Drew Humanising medicine through co-creative self-care Louise Younie Breaking free from the chains of expectation Natasha Alia Razman Art of pressure Guto John To flourish  Yunrui Hao William House Column Reviews
  • Contents:

    Editorial Flourishing through creative enquiry: humanising the medical experience - Louise Younie Flourishing through creative practice during the Covid-19 lockdowns  - Sabina Dosani Why addressing the emotional lives of medical students is essential to their education - Lucy Marks  Art objects in conversation with psychiatrists at the Ashmolean Museum - Maria Grazia Turri and Gregory Hilton Softening the landing - Hugh Grant Peterkin Waves  - Freya Elliott Walking together - Harris Nageswaran, Hester Toovey and Grace Catchpole Just remember I love you - Jess Thomerson Things I would rather do - Kane Benjamin Alexander Finding time to create - Mashael Ishaque Human flourishing in medical education - Hester Toovey Until the last breath - Shakira Irfan Painting the doctor–patient relationship - Inova Shun Wah Lee Thriving through connection - Alex Bache Flourishing in medical education - Ben Rose The first wave - Simon Hall Ten years on - Tom Cassidy We do not yet see clearly but hope is gold - Rachel Handley Wise doctors: what can they teach us about flourishing? - Sabena Jameel Joyful doctors – bringing creativity back into medicine - Emily Fulleylove and Caroline Walker William House Column Arts and health resources Reviews Endpiece


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