The BHMA is grateful to its allied and corporate members who are supporting our valuable work to make healthcare work for Practitioner, Patient and Planet.
To sign up as an allied or corporate member please click here.
Allied Organisations
Our allied organisations are non-commercial healthcare organisations that are working in the same field and have either joined us as allied/corporate members or have a reciprocal arrangement with us.
Clinical Education
Clinical Education are a non-profit organisation that brings a range of educational experiences to healthcare professionals. Their aim is to change the landscape of healthcare in the UK, EU and beyond by teaching Functional and Lifestyle Medicine principles via their blogs, courses and resources.
Membership is FREE to all health care professionals.
ISF – International Sophrology Federation
The ISF works to promote awareness of the sophrology method and evidence of its effectiveness in increasing health, wellbeing and performance.
ISF members can join the BHMA at reduced rate – contact the ISF for your £20 off coupon code.
NCIM – National Centre for Integrative Medicine
The National Centre for Integrative Medicine (NCIM) is a Centre of Excellence that champions an Integrative Medicine Model, combining conventional, lifestyle and holistic approaches. They deliver healthcare services as well as training for healthcare professionals and are active in research and evaluation. The aim for their holistic healthcare service is to provide greater choice for health and wellbeing.
NCIM members can join the BHMA at a reduced rate – contact NCIM for your £20 off coupon code.
BHMA members can also join the NCIM at their discounted rate of £25. They also offer our members discounts on select events. Sign up to their newsletter.
NCUK – Nurse Collective UK
Nurse Collective UK is a vibrant non-profit organisation and arts-led innovation hub. NCUK initiate, generate and propel sustainable and holistic creative projects, driving forward positive transformation within the UK nursing world. By harnessing the power of art, NCUK promote the diversity of the nursing role and celebrate the compassion and dynamism of the profession. They are committed to empowering workforce attraction, retaining current staff and optimising patient care through the intersection of the arts and health. It was founded in 2024 by Karla Hamlet, a British installation artist, registered nurse and winner of our 2022 student essay competition with the creative enquiry entitled “What is missing in our clinical education? – The Student Voice“.
Penny Brohn
Penny Brohn UK is a health and wellbeing charity providing cancer care for mind, body, emotions, heart and soul.
We have a long connection with our colleagues at Penny Brohn, many of whom are BHMA members. They support us by displaying our Journal of Holistic Healthcare and Integrative Medicine.
UKIHCA – UK & International Health Coaching Association
The UKIHCA is a leading professional body for Health Coaches in the UK and internationally. Members of the UKIHCA are fully qualified and credentialed professionals who have satisfied our robust professional standards and work within a defined Scope of Practice.
UKIHCA members can join the BHMA with a £20 annual discount on our supporter and practitioner memberships. BHMA members can become UKIHCA Affiliate Members for £94 annually (a discount of £26 or 2 monthly payments). Contact us for promo codes.
TSYP – The Society of Yoga Practitioners 
TSYP exists to advance the health and wellbeing of the public through the medium of yoga in the tradition of Professor Krishnamacharya and his son, TKV Desikachar, which focuses on the alleviation of human suffering. We achieve this by providing training, courses, events and resources for teaching and learning together with support and financial assistance to access these.
‘The success of yoga does not lie in the ability to perform postures but in how it positively changes the way we live our life and our relationships.’ TKV Desikachar
TSYP members can join the BHMA at reduced rate – contact the ISF for your £20 off coupon code.
Corporate Members & Supporters
Weleda is a company that creates natural health and wellbeing products. They are big supporters of our aims and have been generous donors for a few years, with a full page advert in our journals and block payment for their advisors.
Weleda Advisors are able to join the BHMA as members for free.
SOUKYA is a Holistic & Integrated medical facility using different systems of medicines such as Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Yoga and is situated in a 30 acre organic farm located in Bangalore, India.
Their focus is on health promotion, early intervention, and the prevention of illness. They attract patients from around the world including a number of celebrities.
SOUKYA is founded by Dr.Issac Mathai, a Holistic Physician, who is a visiting consultant in several Holistic Health Centres in London, Europe and USA.