• Editorial Sphurana – seeing with new eyes  - Peter Owen Jones A new cosmology of consciousness and science of love - Jude Currivan (re)Wilding healthcare - Jonathon Tomlinson Can healthcare professionals humanise dying? - Marina Malthouse Healing and love - Paul Dieppe, Sarah Goldingay, Natalie Harriman, Ayesha Nathoo & Sara Warber Emerging practices for bringing nature into health and care services - Alan Kellas Eco-psychotherapy: current, ancient and future?  - Roger Duncan Deep adaptation: ways to grow through dissolution - Alan Heeks Adverse childhood events: what next now we know? - Margaret Hannah & Jacqueline Nugent Healing through the collective intelligence of our profession - Sam Hazledine Searching the way home - Mac Macartney Humanity’s imperative: heart-based creative leadership  - Bruce Cryer Humanising medical education  - Louise Younie Debating the wisdom of long-haul electives in an era of climate emergency - Trevor Thompson & Philippa Clery How can holistic healthcare influence health inequalities? - Deeya Kotecha News and Research William House
  • Social prescription: coming up for air Social prescribing and the development of the ‘evidence base’ Compassionate Frome – working towards a more connected community The true potential of social prescribing Social prescribing – a layman’s perspective Social prescribing for equality and resilience: the SPEAR project Parkrun: stories of inspirational people Social prescribing in London – a GP perspective Sing with Us – the benefits of arts and social prescribing Rediscovering human-nature connectedness through social prescribing Arts on prescription – five steps to success The beauty of being an ‘outsider’ Health creation and social prescribing … what’s the difference? Whither social prescribing? The Fife Shine programme Social prescribing – are drugs or people the better cure? Plus • Update • Research • Reviews
  • Editorial - The pandemic makes our old stories redundant Obituary - Craig Brown – a life guided by healing and whole-person care Ante-thanatos care – a holistic approach for preparing for the end of life - Craig Brown Medical education’s changing story - Clare Gerada Creative words for health and wellbeing - Larry Butler Expressive writing - James Hawkins The golden thread - Maria Hancock Uncertainty and resilience – a medical student’s story - Max Williamson Crossing the threshold: my story of liminality - Michael Zervos What can anthroposophic psychotherapy contribute to our understanding of human distress and sickness? - John Lees Language is not just data: it is a custodian of our humanity - David Zigmond Schwartz Rounds - Paquita de Zulueta Some reflections on stories in general practice - Andrew Morrice Annual resilience symposium for medical teachers William House Reviews
  • Eating for individual, public and planetary health Mike Dixon The Real Food campaign For a healthy, sustainable and affordable British diet Antonia Wrigley Sitopia: the power of thinking through food  Carolyn Steel Food: emotion, imagination and reality Andrew Morrice EAT-Lancet – is there such a thing as ‘one-size-fits-all’ sustainability Robert Verkerk Nose to tail nutrition and evolution Heather Rosa Food for health: Putting traditional foods back on the table Izabella Natrins Making health infectious: from organic principles to whole health agriculture Lawrence Woodward OBE Food quality and its relevance to optimum health David Thomas Building a local community food system Phillip Sharratt Wilder labels, better farming Tim Martin Seeds of survival Fred Groom Wellington’s inspirational community projects Helen Gillingham ‘Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food’ Is food the foundation for good health? - Student Essay Competition Winner Jessica Frost Prescribing lifestyle medicine Mohanpal Singh Chandan and Asfia Aftab
  • Shifting the pattern Bill Sharpe Unleashing health communities – stop building health centres Dan Hopewell Changing the world one community at a time – the growth of an idea and the arrival of the orchids William House Integrating the art of healing with the science of curing Paul Dieppe, Sara L Warber and Emmylou Rahtz The lost art of being with death Hermione Elliott Nature as therapy - Is nature-connection the antidote to the stresses and impacts of contemporary life? Pat Fleming Transformative innovations for health A gathering of change-makers Darkness, life-compassion and the seeds of transformation Notes and results from the front line of The Healing Shift Enquiry David Reilly Making (sacred) space for staff renewal and transformation Rev Stephen Wright Lifestyle medicine education – an answer to chronic disease? John Sykes Music, medical school and curating wellbeing Jayne Garner


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