• Editorial Creating space and providing tools for personal development - Hugo Jobst, David Peters & Giskin Day
    Medical education should be helping us develop as whole people - Jonathan De Oliveira
    Finding our voice - Karla Maria Hamlet Effective learning can create time for a more complete medical education - Samuel Soete
    View from the frontline - Maryam Malik Student stress: what one university is doing to support student wellness - Bruce Cryer
    Scratching the surface of the hidden curriculum: the BMJ Student podcast Sharp Scratch - Anna Harvey Bluemel & Charlotte Rose
    Overprescribing: reimagining medical education with social prescribing champions - Hamaad Khan
    Medics in the community: developing the tools for effective social prescribing - Hugo Jobst & Andrea Williamson
    So much goes missing when we work online - Andrew Zhou
    The missing link: human interconnection in online learning - Anamika Pereira Pai
    Compassion – walking the walk, who does the talk? - Louise Younie
    Exploring the human dimension in medicine - Sivakami Sibi
    Challenges for learning about planetary health - Anna Moore & Rosa Caitlin Jones Hughes
    Re-conceiving professionalism in a time of crisis - Vidya Nanthakumar
    Yoga for medical student wellbeing - Ellie Grace
  • Resilience and realistic hope for women with breast cancer Breast cancer screening - an informed choice? What really happens during birth and how can a doula help? Rewiring our body to pleasure 'Dying to help': female doctor suicide and the NHS workforce crisis Herbs for women's health And more ...


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