• Editorial Research Under oath Sophia Geaney Trying my professional identity on for size Georgina Haffner I want to start living Sam Soete Guided by the light: navigating a professional crossroads Hugo Jobst The gift: a cancer journey and the wounded healer Louise Younie A letter to my 23-year-old self Kathleen Wenaden A practitioner’s journey Jane Myat Care and creativity – the power of mending Charlotte Jenner A journey to the heart of rheumatology Lucie Wilk My practitioner journey; weaving together psyche and iatros, soul and medicine Alan Kellas Narrative and identity: an experience of shared reading in a secure mental health unit Franz Schembri Wismayer The necessary and neglected work of the soul in healthcare Jane Stevens How can a holistic perspective benefit practitioners, patients and the planet? Sayed Adam Bukhari Arts and crafts in healthcare: What William Morris can teach us about the benefits of a holistic perspective for practitioners, patients and the planet Felicity Smith Alienation and the crisis of NHS staff morale Jonathon Tomlinson Reviews
  • Editorial Why we need a movement to develop community-oriented integrated practice Paul Thomas Update Policies to support compassionate communities Lord Nigel Crisp What is community-orientated integrated practice? Paul Thomas, Laura Calamos, David Colin-Thomé & Kurt C Stange How might we cultivate flourishing spaces? Louise Younie The cracks Sarah Mandourah Growing younger Freya Qureshi Teaching health equity for medical students – exploring student and GP tutors’ perspectives Rohini Sabherwal & Dev Gadhvi Restoring humanism into the medical curriculum: a success story at a Spanish university Jonathan McFarland, Manuel Pera & Joaquim Gea The Yoga4NHS staff wellbeing programme Paul Fox Is meditation the medicine that medics need? A meeting with a Dhamma Doctor, Durga Mani Hugo Jobst Deep listening – a perspective Sangasiha Introducing Su Ha – a practice for personal and collective wellbeing in an age of climate crisis Chris Johnstone Holistic evaluation Paul Thomas 21st century health and social care David Colin-Thomé From the frontline Jonathon Tomlinson Reviews


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