The BHMA was inspired to fire up a coalition of parties to promote the life-giving and overlapping areas of sustainable agriculture, lifestyle, and diet. We wanted to tell a story about the healing power of relationships; with the soil, with food, and with one another. Out of this aim The Real Food Campaign was born.
Our first step was bringing people together at our Real Food Gathering in 2019 for a jam-packed weekend of talks, discussions and of course real food!
Since the event we have gathered a great team and created a new website. We are now looking to raise funds to take the campaign forward.
To find out more visit our new website:
The Real Food Campaign
Real Food Gathering: April 27 – 28th 2019
On the weekend of April 27th, we brought together a powerful coalition representing organisations in the UK with an interest in health, sustainable agriculture and nutrition.
Read about the gathering in one of our partner’s blogs: From Unreal to Real Food
Listen to a podcast from the event: Dr Andrew Morrice asks, “Can we be rational about food?”
We had hoped to share more outputs from the event, including video highlights of the presentations, however we need to fundraise the production costs before we can do this.
Autumn 2019 Journal: The Real Food Issue
We took the inspiration from our Real Food Gathering for this journal by inviting many of our speakers to also write a piece. We do hope you enjoy it.
Student Essay Competition
In our 13th year of running, the BHMA is calling all medical, nursing and other healthcare students to submit their essays on the title:
“Is food the foundation for good health?”
The winner received a prize of £250, a year’s membership subscription to the BHMA, and their article was published in the Real Food Issue. The two runners-up also received a year’s membership subscription to the BHMA.
Look out for next year’s essay theme being announced early next year.