Compassionate Dimension Dr Thuli Whitehouse, 2016 Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion Buddha Compassionate care The [...]
Compassionate Dimension Dr Thuli Whitehouse, 2016 Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion Buddha Compassionate care The [...]
Community Minded Dimension Dr William House, 2016 We are social animals. Few of us can thrive without belonging in a community. There are many [...]
Balanced Dimension This 'Balanced dimension' was created in 2016 by Dr Antonia Wrigley, BHMA Vice Chair Your hand opens and closes, opens and [...]
What is missing in our clinical education? Pervana Kaur - University of Karol Marnkowski, Poland, Second Year Medical Student Runner up student essay [...]
BHMA Student Essay – A creative enquiry into what is missing in our clinical education? Lucy Butterfield - University of Manchester, Third Year Medical [...]
What is missing in our clinical education? Andrew Zhou - University of Cambridge, Year 6 Medical Student Equal Second in Creative Enquiry [...]
How the Overprescribing Crisis Reveals What is Missing in Clinical Education Hamaad Khan - University College London, Global Health and Development (MSc) “We fall ill, [...]
What is missing in our clinical education? - The Student Voice Karla Maria Hamlet - Canterbury Christ Church University, First Year Nursing Student [...]
What is missing in our clinical education? Jonathan De Oliveira - St George’s, University of London, Final Year Medical Student First Prize Essay [...]
Integrative medicine and the counterculture: full circle - Editorial by David Peters from our new Spring/Summer journal. In the early 1970s ‘swinging’ London was the [...]
Realistic hope – and its role in keeping us resilient in times of crisis From JHH 16.2 - Faith, Hope & Love in Healthcare [...]
With the biosphere’s resilience at the end of its tether we humans have to change our ways: we need a new story, to see [...]
Searching the way home Mac Macartney, Writer, speaker, eco/peace activist From JHH 18.3 - Shifting the Paradigm I have explored many paths, some unwisely, [...]
Love’s labours lost Why society is straitjacketing its professionals and how we might release them Dr Iona Heath, retired GP Article from: Faith, Hope [...]
What does it mean to be 'Holistic'? The content of this blog was first published as the 'Holistic' dimension in our old website in 2016. [...]
We're not made up of body parts. We are whole...
Our Trustee, Ciara, explains how you can awake your inner physician...
I have been working with a team from Barts and the London Medical and Dental School for a year, since the start of the pandemic, to set up and deliver a support programme called Connecting Practice. Many students had signed up to volunteer in the NHS and we knew they could be exposed to upsetting and aversive situations very early in their careers, given the numbers of very sick patients and tough working conditions...
When we’re worn down by stress, anxiety and depression, it’s easy to forget the things we used to enjoy doing – or how to enjoy doing anything for that matter. While nature alone does not cure depression, anxiety or any other mental health problem, it is one part of a toolkit of coping strategies that can help us to manage our well-being. Here's how it can help...
Art objects in conversation with psychiatrists at the Ashmolean Museum Maria Grazia Turri, Lecturer in creative arts and mental health, Queen Mary University [...]