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Would you like to more skilfully deal with difficult times and help others do this too?

Would you like to strengthen your confidence and credentials by becoming a certified Resilience Practitioner?

Resilience Practitioner Training

An eight-module online course starting 15th October 2024.

We live at a time of multiple crunches, with many experiencing financial stress, ongoing impacts of the pandemic, struggles with health, energy and mood, organisations in states of collapse, and alarming trends of the climate crisis. These and other challenges highlight the need to make resilience tools more widely available, as research shows they can help reduce the risk of depression, anxiety and stress-related harm, while also strengthening people’s coping capacity when facing adversity.

This online training is designed for practitioners (including coaches, health and social care professionals, managers, teachers and therapists) who wish to familiarise themselves with evidence-based resilience tools both to use themselves and pass on to those they work with. The course is also suitable for interested members of the public keen to grow their capacity to deal with difficult times.

For full details and to book click on the website link here.

BHMA members are eligible for a £50 discount, use coupon code BHMA on the booking page.


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