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Making a difference in Men’s Health – Ideas from the IM Toolbox

Find out what Integrative Medicine has to offer in the much-neglected area of Men’s Health.

This day of quality professional development will build on the latest knowledge and practice in conventional medicine and then take you beyond those confines to look at what role there is for the likes of lifestyle and holistic interventions.

Can you reverse heart disease through diet and stress management? What else can a nutritional approach bring to men’s health? What can Men’s Sheds offer? How do we help reduce the risk of suicide in young men? And what about the prostate? Is surgery or drug therapy the only way?

We will be joined by international speakers bringing a wide range of perspectives but all with a practical focus for attendees to take away and start practising in new ways. We aim to help health professionals to bring health rather than just avoiding illness . . . Come and join us on 5 February to find out more!

Register your interest here

This event is for Healthcare Professionals, CAM practitioners and Researchers, Students and members of the public who want clinical and evidence-based updates within a broad vision of healthcare.

You will gain 7 hours of valuable CPD which will transform your practice.

NCIM Holistic Doctors, Dr Elizabeth Thompson and Dr Duncan Still, will guide you through the day, which will include interactive and creative sessions to stimulate both your left and right brain – do join us!


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