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Joined-up Health in Primary Care
(The ‘Lost’ Update)

Two Day Online Course – £195
Suitable for all primary care professionals

JoinedUpHealth Courses are

  • Created in and for primary care, free from industry influence

  • Small-scale and interactive

  • Based on a balance of evidence, ideas and discussion

  • Intended to clarify, enable, and refresh

Would you like to…

  • Feel better equipped to deal with some of the more complex patients you care for?

  • Build your confidence with non-pharmacological approaches, and deepen your understanding of how these fit together?

  • Explore the science behind potentially scepticism-inducing terms like ‘lifestyle’, ‘resilience’, ‘integrative’ or ‘holistic’?

To bring you these courses Dr Andrew Morrice draws on over 20 years experience of general practice, teaching and speaking, including 15 years facilitating small group learning and lecturing on the Whole Person Care course at Bristol Medical School. Learn more about the founder of JoinedUpHealth, Dr Andrew Morrice, here.

The course keeps one foot firmly planted in the realities of your day-to-day work, and another secured in basic sciences and an understanding of how human minds and bodies are adapted to our original life-strategy.  This creates a balance between providing a fresh perspective on the whole of healthcare, and addressing our need for practical strategies and resources.

As we all have different learning needs and priorities, this course has been devised to be rich and varied, like a good ‘buffet’.  This allows each person to come away with their own unique blend of learning outcomes.  These can range from updating consultation skills and styles, acquiring new skills to deal with distressed patients, consolidating the science behind ‘lifestyle’ medicine, clarifying the debates around nutrition, through to self-care and resilience.


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