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Friday 7th May 2021 – 10:00 – 17:00:

Neurological diseases can affect people of all ages and conventional medicine has often struggled to develop effective approaches to prevent and manage them. Integrative approaches seem to offer many potential ways forward not just in prevention but in helping people live with and beyond their condition.

That is why NCIM will carry out a journey focused on neurological desease where we will explain what nutrition, herbal medicine, acupuncture and even dance can bring to the world of neurological health.

Our Keynote Speaker will be Dr Alexandra Dimitrova, Assistant Professor of Neurology at Oregon Health and Science University, who will be talking about ‘Evidence-based Applications of Acupuncture in Neurology’, joining us alongside UK speakers bringing a wide range of perspectives but all with a practical focus.

Our NCIM Holistic Doctors, Dr Elizabeth Thompson and Dr Duncan Still, will guide you through the day, which will include interactive and creative sessions to stimulate both your left and right brain.

We want our attendees to leave with new skills and knowledge, which they can instantly put into practice. We aim to help health professionals bring health rather than just avoid illness. Furthermore, by joining us you will gain 5 hours of valuable CPD which will transform your practice.

Please contact us to make a booking, or to enquire about available discounts – education@ncim.org.uk / 0117 – 973 8035.

Payments can be made on our website, via BACS or by card over the phone – education@ncim.org.uk / 0117 973 8035

Our Open Clinical days are supported by Weleda and the College of Medicine



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