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Create transforming benefits in your well-being, health, and happiness

Why Do TheWEL?

TheWEL can create remarkable life-transforming benefits for your well-being, health and happiness. TheWEL changes lives. It has proved its worth in over 3000 people with a full range of physical and emotional problems. Scientific evaluation, with 1-5 year follow-ups, shows:

90-95% Rate as Excellent or Outstanding 88% of participants report long-term significant benefits in

  • General Wellbeing,
  • Quality Of Life,
  • Energy Levels,
  • Sense Of Empowerment
  • Self-Compassion,
  • Main Symptoms, plus
  • Improved Blood Markers for modern epidemics like diabetes, inflammation, and depression.

Why Do This PersonalWEL?

The chance of doing a live WEL with David is now rare. He is currently focused on his online teaching, one-to-one clients, and work with TheWEL Charity, especially in areas of deprivation. This intensive 5-day retreat version of the PersonalWEL course is the only live teaching planned of this course for 2024.

Your Investment

David offers the PersonalWEL in his own retreat house. The price, which includes the five full days of teaching, the course materials and delicious homemade lunches and tea breaks and snacks, is £1225. If you are paying personally, there is an early-bird discount that saves you £250 until August 1st, 2024, meaning you would pay only £975. Further discount is available if you are repeating this course or have worked one-to-one with David. Also, two places will also be available with a further discretionary discount for those with restricted

For more information, visit the website here or download the PDF here.


* Special Early Bird Price for BHMA members for £875 onlyjoin us and see newsletter and Mighty Network for more details


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