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06 Oct 2023 to 08 Oct 2023 18:00 – 14:00

Emma Went and Thuli Whitehouse

Friday 6 – Sunday 8 October

Residential – £340 Non Residential – £224

Please arrive by 6pm, course ends with lunch

It was wonderful to restart the Yoga and Mindfulness retreats in January. We welcomed both new and returning doctors and settled seamlessly into the comforting hold of Ammerdown. It’s great to have a new home.

Details of the next retreat and booking link are below, and as always please get in touch with questions or feedback. We appreciate you sharing this email on social media and within your networks.

We are exploring a new way to connect and convey updates, through a WhatsApp community. Emails will continue, but perhaps WhatsApp feels like a better fit for you, or a useful extra nudge? Currently there is an announcements group and an old students group. I have also tentatively started a chat for everyone, to ask questions or open discussion or share relevant information. Let’s see…


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