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Bruce Parry is an award-winning documentarian, indigenous rights advocate, author, explorer, trek leader and former Royal Marines commando officer. You may know his ethnographic style from his TV documentaries.  www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGQkMw 6yS6w

Itinerary: Arrive in the village of Exeat and walk down the east side of Cuckmere to the Haven by 10 am for our first circle and a setting of intentions. If the weather is OK, our mindful ‘vision questing’ walk should get us to Burling Gap in time to swim and chill out at there, perhaps for a second circle to debrief about our experiences. The beach at low tide (10.50 am) is a weird, wilderness moonscape of chalk falls and eroded flint. After a picnic lunch, we can return slowly along the cliff top path – a gorgeous roller coaster of sheep-cropped ups and downs – to Cuckmere by 6 pm for the final circle and fire on the beach. Possibly the pub! If you are coming from a distance we recommend you stay over on Friday night as we have to make an early start if we are to go with the tide.

Proceeds to Enthum Foundation 


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