
Welcome to our ‘Members’ page. BHMA membership is open to anyone and supports us in our mission. As a thank you members have access to content on this website at discounted rates when logged in.

You can log in here and navigate to the pages of interest or you can go to the My Account page to see available discounts (Journal, Course & Sound Health) and to manage your account.

Member’s Mighty Network

We believe community is important so we chose the Mighty Network as an alternative to Facebook groups to host our members area to:

  • Keep up to date with news and offers
  • Download the latest Journals
  • Message us and each other
  • Form groups within the space such as special interest groups or local groups
  • Share on topic threads including member news
  • Be part of an active community! You can be as visible or as private as you wish to be

We hope to see see ALL of you there soon!

Member’s Facebook Group

We also have a BHMA members ‘Facebook Group’ for those who like using this platform.

Request to join: