BHMA Podcasts
Below is a test podcast produced from a talk at our Real Food Gathering in April 2019.
We are hoping to bring you more in the future, however, we need more funds to produce the rest of the talks as podcasts.
Please donate to our Real Food Campaign
Dr Andrew Morrice, General Practitioner, Psychotherapist, Educator and founder of JoinedUpHealth asks, “Can we be rational about food?”
If ever there were a time when clarity on the issue of food was needed, it is the present. Yet emotion is woven into all thought and action, and there are few topics as emotive as food. What passes for “reasoning” can so easily tip into “rationalisation” whenever strong emotions are aroused. In this podcast, Andrew shares some of the very many ways in which our ability to think clearly and rationally about food can become compromised.
Andrew has been a member of the British Holistic Medical Association for 30 years, co-led the London Students group of the BHMA from 1988 – 91, and has remained committed to holism in a varied career that has included the History of Medicine, General Practice, and Human Givens psychotherapy.