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Resilience is the ability to withstand, deal with, and/or recover from difficult situations. It includes our capacity to make the best of things, cope with stress and rise to the occasion. With the challenges we face from the coronavirus crisis, we need our resilience perhaps more than ever before.

Drawing on the seven skills framework mapped out in his book Seven Ways to Build Resilience, Chris Johnstone describes how simple yet effective strategies that can help us in this time of need.

The webinar also introduces the four week online course in Resilience Skills in a time of coronavirus crisis that runs each month, with courses starting on April 7th, May 7th and June 1st. For more details of these, please see the CollegeOfWellbeing.com website at http://collegeofwellbeing.com/resilience-skills-in-a-time-of-coronavirus-crisis/.

Dr Chris Johnstone is one of the UK’s leading resilience specialists, with over thirty years experience training in this field. He has a background in medicine and psychology, and for many years taught resilience skills in a specialist mental health team with the NHS. His books include Seven Ways to Build Resilience – strengthening our ability to deal with difficult times, and, co-authored with Joanna Macy, Active Hope – how to face the mess we’re in without going crazy. He is founder/director and lead resilience trainer at CollegeOfWellbeing.com


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