From surviving to thriving in the NHS – for qualified health professionals
The NHS is a tough environment – and health professionals are often finding it difficult to survive let alone thrive. Many have left, others struggle with the lack of support, a few thrive. The covid crisis has magnified these issues. This weekend course provides an environment for relaxation, for revitalising and for exploring with colleagues how you can move forward and build on your personal and professional life. Come and feel nourished not only with great food but also by the stunning environment and a safe space for talking and sharing. The weekend is run by Derek and Sandy, one a generalist with experience in stress management and mindfulness, the other a specialist; both have a wealth of experience in the NHS including senior management and education positions in addition to a lifelong commitment to high quality care.
The weekend consists of group discussion (on agendas determined by participants) alongside mindfulness skills training, exercise and stretching, yoga and time for reflection and relaxation. The course is designed for consultants, GPs and doctors in training. It is run in buildings adjacent to Sandy and Derek’s home and meals are taken within the main house. Accommodation is comfortable not luxurious. The nine acres of grounds are private and very beautiful. There is a commitment to a minimal impact on the environment (the oil boiler has gone replaced by a river sourced heat pump for all heating and we provide as much of our own home grown food as possible). It provides an excellent environment for such a weekend. Reflecting the ethos of the Centre, the cost of the weekend is low as we run on a not for profit basis.

If you wish to be kept informed of these or future courses, please email:
No third parties will be involved and there will be only occasional updates of these and future retreats.
Dates for the 2023 retreats: 20th January to 22nd January. For an application form contact
Minimum numbers six, maximum twelve.
Previous participants commented:
“I went on a Drs retreat in Wiltshire run by a former GP and his neonatologist wife and spent a good deal of time focussing on me and who I was and how I want to live my life – a concept that felt a bit selfish and odd to start with as I think we have a tendency to be all about the other people (patients and children). It was emotional, enlightening and I met some amazing people. I’d highly recommend it to everyone, in fact, maybe it should be compulsory for doctors – far better than all that mandatory training bollocks. I’ve also enjoyed some fantastic conversations with friends and acquaintances about the weekend since and trying hard to keep those little changes going. Just waiting for my husband to get back this weekend to tackle some of the others!” Sarah January 2020
“Thanks again for a fantastic weekend – it was above and beyond my expectations.” Anjali January 2020
“I would like to thank Derek and Sandy for an inspiring, relaxing and thought provoking weekend. The setting is beautiful, the food delicious and the teaching/facilitation both gentle and challenging (in a good way!) I really appreciated the time spent outside connecting with nature and the insights this bought. I also found it useful to have the time and space to reflect on my personality and situation and how best to address any conflicts and difficult areas. I gained a lot from working within a group and the experience that bought. I have already made changes both in my work and my personal life and intend to continue this work.” Ruth January 2020