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Looking for a place and time to relax, revitalise and be with like minded professionals where you can explore and develop in a confidential and safe setting? Then this may be the weekend for you. Explore with others what you need to do and be to make the most of your potential – both professionally and personally – to become who you would love to be. Can you remember why you chose to train to become a health professional? Does it feel like those hopes and aspirations are going to be realised?

Highly rated by participants for its caring and nourishing environment (including wonderful food!) and with experienced professionals leading the weekend you will have the opportunity to build on the present towards a more fulfilled future.

These courses are run by Sandy and Derek, both retired health professionals, one a neonatologist and the other a GP. Both have extensive experience in not just clinical work but of the management of the NHS, education and research. Derek has taught students for many years and has extensive experience in mindfulness training.

As one final year medical student said ‘Having the thinking space and time to really explore important issues and, crucially, I think, having the support and guidance of such experienced doctors as Derek and Sandy meant that you would leave on the Sunday, well fed and rested and feeling confident, calm and excited about the road ahead.’ (see testimonials).

The retreat starts on the Friday late afternoon and runs until Sunday 4pm. It consists of great food (!), some mindfulness exercises, stretching/yoga, outdoor physical exercise, and group discussion.

The cost of the weekend is low as it is on a not for profit basis. This reflects the ethos of the Centre – it is run in a building next to Sandy and Derek’s home and meals are taken within their house. Accommodation is comfortable not luxurious. The nine acres of grounds are private and very beautiful. There is a commitment to a minimal impact on the environment (the oil boiler has gone replaced by a river sourced heat pump for all heating). It provides an excellent environment for such a weekend. Students £25, qualified professionals £50.  For more details/to apply for a place, contact derek1chase@outlook.com Minimum numbers six, maximum twelve.


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