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This 3-day residential course is specifically designed for doctors. It is located at beautiful Tortworth Court in South Gloucestershire.


We have created an exclusive residential training where you will be given time to reflect, learn, relax in the Spa, and give yourself the nourishment you so richly deserve. We have a secluded private training room, with refreshments throughout the retreat. You are provided with a double en-suite room (and have the option to purchase an upgrade from the hotel should you wish) so that you can fully unwind, get some rest and enjoy the beautiful grounds of this stunning hotel. All meals are provided by the hotel and are included in your course fee. (Alcohol is available but is not included in your course fee).

Your trainers for this course are Dr Nicola Harker (GP, Coach and Trained teacher of Mindful Self Compassion) and Mila Konig (Nurse, Social Therapist and teacher).

Nicola and Mila are experienced teachers and facilitators who will guide you through the training with sensitivity and provide you with plenty of time to reflect and absorb new ideas.

Nicola has worked in the NHS for 22 years as a GP and a Clinical lead (Cancer). Her experience of feeling close to burnout, and her frustrations with wanting to provide excellent care but feeling scuppered by an under-funded system, were significantly helped by undertaking this training herself. Realising the impact this had on her professionally and personally led to Nicola undertaking further training in coaching and as a teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion. She now works full-time coaching doctors and running Self-Compassion courses. Her ambition is to bring this training to leaders and juniors alike, so that together we can transform the culture of healthcare and have a happy healthy workforce.

Mila de Koning is a social therapist, nurse and mindfulness and compassion teacher. She has a long professional experience working in (mental) health care with groups. And she worked as a teacher for healthcare professionals. Since 2011 her focus is mainly on mindfulness and compassion and she started working for the VU University Medical Centre where one of her main roles was to bring mindfulness and self-compassion to healthcare. Currently she works as teacher and teacher trainer at the Centrum voor Mindfulness in Amsterdam. She teaches mindfulness and MSC courses and is also a teacher trainer for mindfulness and for mindful self-compassion. One of her great aspirations is to bring mindfulness to healthcare, especially for doctors and other healthcare professionals.

The programme starts at 9.30am on Wednesday 6th May 2020, and will finish promptly at 3pm on Friday 8th May to allow everyone to get home for the weekend. (Please note that Friday 8th May is a Bank Holiday for VE Day.)

We ask for a £200 non-refundable deposit at booking, to reserve your place, and then will be in touch to offer you a free 30minute telephone call to answer questions about the course. You will then be invoiced for the balance of your fees.

Course fee: £1400 per person (includes £325 for your 2 night stay in a double en-suite room, full board, refreshments, and your course materials). An Early Bird rate of £1200 is available for tickets purchased before 1st December 2019. We have time scheduled within your stay to use the Spa facilities, and to walk in the beautiful grounds of the hotel.

Alcohol is available but is not included in the course fee. Spa treatments (such as massage) are available but are not included in the course fee. These can be booked in advance via the hotel. Please consult the course timetable before booking treatments, so that you don’t miss out on your training.


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