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Inflammation: Unlocking Chronic and Auto-Immune Disease is a National Centre for Integrative Medicine’s Open Clinical Day

This is a one-day training event for healthcare professionals, CAM practitioners, students and researchers.

We will look in detail at this increasingly important issue of how inflammation can underpin many of the chronic conditions we see in daily practice – from Diabetes to Heart health, from Auto-immune conditions to Alzheimer’s – inflammation seems to be fundamentally important. Join us and find out how we can address these using an Integrative Medicine approach.

You will gain 7 hours of valuable CPD which will transform your practice.


Talks include:

Understanding Inflammation: Is it the key to our current health conundrum?  by Dr Andrew Morrice GP

The role of the microbiome in bowel health and beyond by Dr Lucie Wilk Consultant Rheumatologist

Functional medicine and chronic inflammation by Dr Nina Fuller Shavel Functional and Integrative Medicine Doctor

Holistic and herbal approaches to combatting Inflammation by Dr Sally Moorcroft Holistic Doctor and Herbalist


For more information and to get the discounted price (BHMA members only) contact: enquiries@ncim.org.uk


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