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The Humble Health Conference is about bringing out your best. Combining talks, workshops and community, it is a gathering of pioneering health professionals, passionate about nurturing our holistic health, performance and potential. It’s on Thursday 2nd May 2024, from 9am-3pm at Cumberwell Park Gold Club Bradford-on-Avon BA15 2PQ.

Connect, learn, inspire and empower.

Let’s bring out our best

Combining talks, workshops and community, the Humble Health Conference is a gathering of pioneering health professionals, passionate about nurturing our health, performance and wellbeing.

This is for you

Being humble helps us learn together, so our range of speakers value your insights too. They aim to simplify the science and art of living well, with practical tools to transform your life and help those you care for.

Areas we aim to explore include:

  • Sleep, stress, nourishing, moving and soothing well.
  • Connecting, consulting and channelling conflict.
  • Changing habits, supporting sustainable systems and an open forum on “Healthy Care”.

What makes it so special?

The talks are great, but what makes it so special are the spaces to relax, connect, walk in nature and nourish.

Optional activities for you.

  • Deep Rest Rooms
  • Yoga
  • Nordic Walking
  • Menditation (combining craft & meditation).

More information on the event, check out Humble Health Conference



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