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Trauma has become a hot topic in our inflamed world. Some say it is foundational to our global polycrisis. But the growing global community of trauma experts see that trauma – and cyclical re-traumatisation – can be healed, on an individual, collective and planetary scale. Hence we now see trauma-informed health care, education, politics, and so on.

What might trauma-informed ecology look like, and how might trauma awareness facilitate ecological healing for humans and non-humans alike?

Join three leading thinkers and practitioners as they offer their empowering perspectives on the relationship between human trauma and that of the non-human world. And how both can be healed together.

Tuesdays, 7.30–9pm GMT

20 February: Michael Marder, ‘Trauma and Ecology’

27 February: Bell Selkie Lovelock, ‘Inner-led Activism’

5 March: Darcia Narvaez, ‘Attuning to Gaia’

A ticket to attend all three online talks is £20. A ticket to attend an individual online talk is £8. The talks will be recorded for viewing later.

Please note that you can still sign up for all three talks even after one or two have passed, as you will then receive a video of all the talks once the series is over. Videos are for ticket holders only.

All ticket prices include a booking fee.

This is a series of Zoom webinars with interactive Q&A sessions. If you would like to submit a question before the event, please email events@resurgence.org

The talks will be hosted by Pete Yeo. With past chapters involving horticulture, landscape architecture, environmental activism and philanthropy, Pete is now focused on serving his long-standing passion for plants, working with them to draw attention to our ecological relationships and inviting greater coherence within and without. As a reconciliation ecologist and Nature mentor, he gives talks, guides walks, engages in consultancy, writes and broadcasts in this spirit. You can find out more about Pete at www.futureflora.co.uk


Michael Marder is Ikerbasque Research Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. His writings span the fields of ecological theory, phenomenology and political thought. He is the author of numerous scientific articles and monographs, including Plant-Thinking, Phenomena–Critique–LogosThe Philosopher’s PlantDustEnergy DreamsHeidegger, Political CategoriesPyropoliticsDump PhilosophyHegel’s EnergyGreen Mass and Philosophy for Passengers. See michaelmarder.org for more information.

Bell Selkie Lovelock has been rooting into Cymru for 27 years, rewilding alongside 40 acres of ex-chemical dairy land in a multi-species cooperation called Ddaear Ydym Ni!/We Are Earth! Courting the edge where the worlds meet, she resecrates (restores to sacredness those who have been desecrated) land, people, rivers, trees, practices of living, language. Her work with individuals and groups, Bewilder, is inspired by Bill Plotkin and Animas Valley Institute, with whom she’s a member of the guild of Wild Mind guides. She also leans into 18 years’ experience of counselling and life coaching, of home educating six children, co-founding and living in housing co-operatives and an organic farm co-operative, of bee-keeping, non-violent direct activism for Earth, and the casting of wordspells as a poet/writer. See www.bellselkie.co.uk for more information.

Darcia Narvaez is Professor of Psychology Emerita at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, and Fellow of the American Psychological Association, American Educational Research Association, Association for Psychological Science, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Born in Minnesota (USA), she grew up living around the world as a bilingual/bicultural Puerto Rican-German American but calls Earth her home. She uses an interdisciplinary approach to studying evolved morality, child development and human flourishing. Her most recent books include Restoring the Kinship Worldview and The Evolved Nest: Nature’s Way of Raising Children and Creating Connected Communities. Her book Neurobiology and the Development of Human Morality: Evolution, Culture and Wisdom won the 2015 William James Book Award from the American Psychological Association, and the 2017 Expanded Reason Award. Her recent short films are Breaking the CycleThe Evolved Nest, and Reimagining Humanity. She hosts the webpage evolvednest.org and serves as president of Kindred World. See sites.nd.edu/darcianarvaez for more information.

Photo credit: Noah Buscher


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