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74th international meeting

The International Association for Medicine of the Person

We are doctors and other medical professionals and their spouses who regard the relationship with the patient as an essential part of
treatment. At our conferences, we discuss the connections between the illness and the psychological, social or mental problems of our patients under a central theme.

The Association‘s annual conferences are organized around a theme related to Medecine of the Person. Each day begins with an opportunity for meditation before breakfast. This is followed by a reading from the Bible and the medical presentations. Afterwards, small groups discuss the lectures and how they relate to daily practice.

The talks are given either in French, German or English and can be read at the same time in printed translation in the other languages. The discussions in small groups (monolingual or bilingual) are regarded as an essential component of the conferences and are confidential. In the evenings there are further opportunities for discussions and personal exchange of experiences. The conference will end with an ecumenical service on Saturday.

Three days of relaxation and discovery before the conference will provide an opportunity to get to know more of the area and to socialise with colleagues and friends from different countries.

In order to register for the conference please return the form to the secretariat of your country (see page 8) by 15th May 2024. You can also register online at the website.

As the workshops in small groups and personal contacts play a fundamental role, it is only possible to come to the whole conference.

Cost (given per person, and including conference fees, annual fee, visits, all meals and lodging)

  • Discovery days (4. – 7. 8. 2024):
    £ 640 / € 750 (children 5-16: 50 %, 0-4: free)
  • Conference (7. – 10. 8. 2024): £ 490 / € 570
    (children 5-16: £ 190 / € 225, 0-4: free)
  • Students/participants from Eastern Europe:
    £ 150 / € 175 (study days)

For more information, visit the website here.


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