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An in-person all-day HVHF event in a peaceful venue for all those working or interested in health and social care (£1 min donation) Join now!

The Human Values in Healthcare Forum (HVHF) warmly welcomes you to another summer gathering – a day for connection, replenishment and renewal, offering space for unhurried conversations, for sharing stories and inspirational (and practical) ideas.

Using an appreciative approach, we will explore how we can develop and sustain kind and careful care, how we can reclaim and restore more relational, meaningful – even joyful – approaches in a system that is progressively becoming more mechanistic, dehumanising, fragmented and profoundly alienating – both for those who give and those who receive care.

There will be the opportunity to listen to how people at the coal face, from students to leaders, foster humanity and empathy for themselves and others. There will also be the opportunity to participate in dance and creative exercises, to enjoy excellent food and companionship in the calm and welcoming oasis of the Royal Foundation of St Katharine.

The event we gave last summer “Rehumanising Healthcare” was highly evaluated (9+/10) – here is some of the feedback:

A brilliant event, and such an important topic especially for NHS healthcare workers. Inspiring to hear passionate, experienced people talk on this topic and present evidence and experience from the ground. Gave a lot of food for thought. In a wonderful location, extremely well organised event – all aspects. Thank you so much.”

“Altogether a valuable day for sharing and learning and re-charging my soul’s human values.”

“Engaged audience and participants – generated energy and optimism. Very good speakers and presentations.”

Why “Reworlding”?

Closely allied to the concept of rewilding, ‘reworlding ‘encourages us to create or reconstruct a different world from the one we are experiencing, or help us to see the world differently, challenging our assumptions and perceptions. The late hermeneutic philosopher Martin Heidegger uses ‘worlding’ to convey the generative process of world-making and “bringing-near.” Worlding is always meaning-giving and already ongoing.

Paquita was inspired by an exhibition of Zeinab Sedira , an Algerian French artist, called Dreams have no titles as well as by a series of podcasts at the Serpentine Gallery called reworlding. The podcasts’ themes are reimagining, remembering, replaying, regenerating, relating. Sedira talks about creating a new world after decolonisation. One cannot restore the past, but one can repair and nurture those elements we cherished and which gave meaning and joy to our lives, whilst simultaneously starting to create a new world together. In order to do that we need to imagine it first. Arguably many of us in healthcare do feel colonised by a system that is at odds with our human nature and human values. We need to explore and create a viable, sustainable alternative that we can present to ourselves and to others.

For more information – visit the website here.


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