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Let’s bring out our best

You are unique & you are not alone

Hello, my name is Dr Bhatia. May I invite you to the Humble Health Conference on Thursday 4th May.

This is a chance to connect and learn with a community of health professionals passionate about our health and wellbeing.


Wellbeing talks (1345-1500 & 1530-1700)

Short talks on a range themes including habit change, sleeping, eating, moving & soothing well. Nature, mental health, living with meaning, connecting, listening and learning.
Open panel discussions and Q+As too

Workshops & stands (1300-1400 & 1500-1530)

Mingle with attendees and meet the speakers.

CPD accredited by Bath GP Education trust

Sponsors Dorothy House Hospice, Bath Enhanced Medical Services. Bath, Swindon & Wiltshire ICB training hub.


With spaces to rest or take a stroll on the grounds


Time table

1300-1345 Registration, simple refreshments*, stands & stroll in the grounds

Talks 1300-1500

Welcome – Silence, introductions, unity, habits and humility

Nourish – Simplifying the science and art of appetites and eating well

Move  – “Better than a pill” -walk your way to health and wellbeing

Rest  – Explore and embody simple strategies to rest and reset well

Sleep – Optimise chronobiology & harness sleep as your superpower

Panel Q+A – Share insights, questions and suggestions.

Break 1500-1530 Refreshments, stands and workshops (Yoga Nidra or walking)

Talks 1530-1700

Listening – Explore your narrative-personal, genetic, epigenetic, culture & ecology

Connecting – Insights from connecting communities through media

Mending – Adventure into mending and meditation retreats in nature

Learning – Resources in holistic education and humble guide training.

Panel Q+A – Share insights, questions and suggestions.

Closing by 1700 – Silent reflection, feedback, final comments and close



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