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Real Food for Health: An Education Event For Campaign Supports & Healthcare Professionals

Join us on Saturday 13th November 2021, where our team, chaired by Dr Sally Bell, will answer these questions and more:

  • What do we mean by ‘Real Food’ and why is it fundamental to our human and planetary health?
  • How can we grow (and farm) Real Food for health?
  • What is the role of ‘Real Food’ in building healthy communities?
  • Discover the Real Food Toolkit – this toolkit will help you share the importance of real food for health with your clients and patients. Whether on a budget, time-poor, or in need of ideas, this toolkit will provide the story of real food and imaginative range of resources, ideas and recipes to share a real food diet.



10 – 10.50am: Welcome to the Real Food Campaign and FarmED with Dr. Sally Bell

10.50: Toilet break

11am: Farm Walk with FarmED

12pm: Communities Talk with Philip Sharrat former CEO of Somerset Local Food, and Food Equity Talk with Ped Asgarian from Feeding Bristol

12.45pm: Sit down lunch

2pm – 3.30pm: Nutrition Talk with Dr Sally Bell, Alex Laird, and Lucy Williamson

3.30 – 3.45pm: Toilet break

3.45 – 4.20pm: UPFs and In the Kitchen Talk with Izabella Natrins and Emma Chase

4.20 – 4.30pm: Thank you and Goodbye

4.30 – 5.30pm: Tea coffee cake and networking (people can leave early if need to; veg-based cake; energy balls – easy to replicate at home recipes).




Ticket Prices:

In-person (including refreshments & healthy lunch) £75

(£60 Earlybird tickets available until 18th Oct)

Live-stream £35

(£20 Earlybird tickets available until 18th Oct)

Tickets via Eventbrite


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