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A place for doctors facing ever-rising demands to discover how nature can support their resilience, energy and enthusiasm for practice.

The impact on doctors of prolonged overload, and the stress of facing ever-rising demands with shrinking resources, needs creative responses.  This Woodland Resilience Immersion offers a different way to gain new insights and skills, raise your resilience and nourish your wellbeing.

The typical half-day ‘resilience’ session has its place: all too often in a postgrad training room and squeezed in between morning and evening surgeries.  But in these hectic times health professionals need something more immersive and catalytic.  Our programmes have been jointly developed by Hazel Hill Trust and Westminster Centre for Resilience.  Participants speak highly of them and their impact, particularly on their mood and levels of anger, tension and fatigue.


David Peters is a leader in integrated healthcare. His R&D is focused doctors’ wellbeing and on the impact of ‘nature connectedness’. He has developed a series of innovative trainings in collaboration with Guys and St Thomas’ Trust Department of Postgraduate Education and the Royal College of GPs. He co-founded and directed the Westminster Centre for Resilience (WCR), where he is now Emeritus Professor.

Roger Duncan trained as a biologist, Waldorf educator, and wilderness rites of passage guide before becoming a Systemic Family Therapist. He was one of the pioneer tutors of the Ruskin Mill Education Trust and now works as a Family Therapist in Oxford Health NHS Trust CAMHS. Roger also works as a systemic organizational consultant and is involved in the UK Ecopsychology movement.  He is the authors of Nature in Mind

Lucy Loveday is a qualified GP currently working as a GP Training Programme Director. As a founder of Movement & The Mind® she is particularly interested in the benefits of nature based activity for mental health and wellbeing. She is Regional Director for the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine & recently an Associate Research Fellow at the University of Exeter.


Hazel Hill Wood have several years’ experience of delivering nature-based resilience programmes for a range of front-line services. These Immersions offer a unique combination of both teams’ expertise. The format for the June programme is a one-night, 28-hour residential, including the following elements:

  • Conservation work and physical activities together to de-stress, relax into the woods and shift gear.
  • An evening campfire circle for sharing, mutual support and insights on work stresses
  • Learning about resilience from the woodland ecosystem, and practical tools for our own wellbeing and our teams.
  • Practicing simple techniques based on applied neurobiology, mindfulness and traditional sources which can be used in everyday work.
  • Processes and time to consider better approaches for tackling work challenges and systemic pressures.



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