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Please join us for a talk by Journal of Holistic Healthcare editor-in-chief David Peters who will speak before the BHMA annual general meeting on ‘Working in healthcare: walking the resilience tightrope’. A Q&A will follow.

Resilience is the ability to adapt effectively to change and challenge without too great a personal cost; to recover quickly from stressful events, setbacks and adversity. It can fuel creativity and support better communication. It makes learning and positive development possible – even under pressure. On a larger scale, resilience is the foundation for sustainability and for a society and our planet to flourish.

Faced with challenges, people respond differently, so why do some of us seem to bounce back more easily, or can even bounce forward: the possibility of post-traumatic growth? It used to be thought that people were more or less born with resilience – that it had more to do with nature rather than nurture. Now though, as scientific understanding of stress, resilience and recovery have grown, it’s become clear that most people can increase their resilience once they know how.

AGM to follow at 3pm.

RSVP for details: admin@bhma.org


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