Thank you for joining our course. This course was designed by holistic practitioners across the healthcare fields and aims to provide a wide variety of learning opportunities. We do hope you enjoy it and are inspired to continue your explorations into holistic practice.
Our intention is, that where possible, content is evidence based, however evidence evolves. So if you see anything that you believe to be false please inform us and we will look into it.
The course is divided into five sections as outlined on the main page. The sections are further subdivided into modules, which may also be broken down into topics & quizzes. You will need to mark all topics complete and take the quiz before you can mark the module complete. This may involve going back to the module. There is a course certificate which automatically becomes available only once all modules are marked complete. Your certificate will autofill with your name and date of course completion.
Some overall aims for the course are found on the course page. Aims are the overall goals or purposes of a piece of learning, from our point of view.
Intended Learning Outcomes are learner focussed and should be demonstrable on completion of the module. However as this course is not assessed by us, it is for you to ensure you fulfil your identified learning needs.
We believe that taking time to reflect on your own current views and knowledge, along with the material presented in this course, will help you get the most out of your learning. We have provided prompts for you to reflect along with a few simple quizzes. We hope you find this useful. We expect that you will be keeping notes on this course to aid your learning. We provide a ‘Give & Take’ Evaluation Form for your reflections and feedback which you can share with us on completion of the course.
*Quizzes – are for your information only. Though the system marks them they are not being used for assessment purposes.*
Continuing, or continuous, professional development (CPD), can be broadly defined as any type of learning you undertake which increases your knowledge, understanding and experiences of a subject area or role. CPD is an ongoing and planned learning and development process.
Most healthcare practitioners will be familiar with the concepts and necessity for CPD, certainly it is a requirement for those practicing in the NHS and for registration with most (perhaps all) professional bodies. It may be the reason you are here on this course. Let’s take a quick look at some principles.
Carl Sagan
Please download this form to aid self-evaluation and to provide us with feedback. It can be uploaded at the end of the course. It will not be assessed except for those wishing to join our practitioner list.
Thanks go to Roger of for the format of our form.